How Juanita Cruz can change your life, just as they changed their menu

This is not a typical mexican restaurant, so don’t go there and think of big burritos or fatty tacos (which we love, by the way). But this place is for a different plan, for a different kind of reunion.

You don’t go to Juanita Cruz tu gain 20 kgs in just one meal and talk about life with your friends (who love that kind of food as much as you) but to get well dressed, wear nice high-heels and order fatty-but-chic mexican food.

We started with this giant nachos.


Full house Nachos

This could have been enough to satisfy us on a normal basis. But we are not normal, so we ordered MORE.


Melthed cheese ”spanish bread” quesadilla: Not a normal quesadilla, not normal bread.

These two were perfect as appetizers. Nachos were big, good for 4 people. However, the unsual quesadilla would be good for 2-3 people, so make your math in case you are a party for 6!


Tuna tartar and chips

We love tartar. Any kind. Any time. Any where. This is why we couldn’t resist, even if it’s not the most mexican specialty. It was good, not perfect.

But what was perfect, FOR SURE, was the dessert.

OH. MY. GOD. Hot chocolate-chip cookie with Vanilla iceacream and caramel sauce. Like I said: OH. MY. GOD


Hot chocolate-chip cookie with Vanilla iceacream

We couldn’t even more from our seats when we finished eating plus, we wanted to rush home to make this special post for you (we love you!), but if you have the time and the attitute, Juanita Cruz becomes the best night-bar to dance and have awesone Gintonics with your fellas!

So even if you don’t feel like mexican food, go there around 11.30 pm and order a Gintonic, you will thank us!

See you on the next post foodies!!!

Chic Mexican food time!!

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